Mixed media on canvas, 15" x 30", abstract, flowers, white dandelions, grey, survival, children
Mixed Media
15 x 30

In life we experience what I like to call "red periods." These are times in our lives when we are going through difficult, and traumatizing experiences. Whether it be the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, or difficult transition in life. During these difficult times it is hard to see the "light at the end of the tunnel." For me, it has been a battle with depression and anxiety. Just when I believe I am starting to make progress, my mental demons rope me back down into darkness. That is what I depicted at the bottom of the painting. The blue and gray represent my depression and anxiety, and the strings represent the struggle I have with recovery. However, what keeps me fighting, one day at a time, is the love I receive from my 3 children. Their phone calls, their text messages, and their emails remind me that living with a mental illness does not mean I need to live a life without hope.